How to focus on yourself on Mother’s Day

Cradlewise Staff

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and as much as we love our little ones, sometimes we need a break to focus on ourselves. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind of motherhood and forget to take time for self-care.

So, this Mother’s Day, make a promise to focus on yourself, even if it’s just for a short while.

Here are some ideas to help you carve out some “me time” and space for yourself:

  1. Schedule a no-disturbance nap for yourself: Tell your partner you’re going to schedule a nap for yourself on Mother’s Day and ask them to handle the baby so you can rest.
  2. Go for a solo walk in nature: Even if it’s just 15 minutes. Research has proven that as little as 15 minutes of walking in the fresh air can have a positive health impact. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also ask some of your mom friends to accompany you for a walk or a short hike.
  3. Call one of your favorite mom friends to catch up: Your plate is always full, and it’s easy to get so caught up that you miss out on quality time with your friends. So take this Mother’s Day to catch up with your closest confidantes and talk—or vent!
  4. Netflix and ice cream: Breakfast in bed is nice, but your favorite streaming show and a pint of ice cream all to yourself after your baby’s bedtime—that’s actual heaven.  
  1. Move your body in the way that feels the best for you: This doesn’t have to be a Mother’s Day special. Give yourself the gift of some exercise or yoga — whatever way of moving your body feels best for you.  
  1. Plan a date for yourself: While it’s great to go on a date with your partner, sometimes, there’s nothing better than putting on your favorite dress and going out by yourself, doing all the activities that you love — having brunch in your favorite cafe, sitting in a garden reading your favorite book by the flowers, visiting the art gallery, or anything that you want to do solo.
  2. Unlock your creativity: Being a mom often means you don’t get much time to do something creative, like painting or sketching. This Mother’s Day, block some me-time to unlock your creative energies — get that canvas out and paint something beautiful or messy. Book a pottery class and create something easy and fun, like a new coffee mug. Or sit outdoors and sketch something fun.
  3. Karaoke night with girlfriends: Mom life often means listening to the songs that your baby likes. And we know there’s only so many times you can jam to the “Bluey” theme song. This Mother’s Day, immerse yourself in music that you like. Go to a karaoke night with your best friends and sing your heart out!
  4. Read a book: Buy yourself that bestseller you’ve been meaning to dig into, and spend part of Mother’s Day reading in bed or outside in the sun.
  5. Write yourself a letter: It’s so easy to get caught up in your busy schedule that you might not have time to sit quietly and reflect on your motherhood journey and the things you’re grateful for.

    Find some quiet moments in the day and write a letter detailing all the moments you would want to look back on years from now.

    If you express yourself through writing, try making this a yearly practice. Perhaps years from now, you may share these letters with your children when they have kids.
  1. Write in a journal: Take some time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings by writing in a journal. Like writing a letter, you can take it up a notch and start writing your motherhood journal this Mother’s Day. You can carve out some time for yourself and write about the moments you’re grateful for and times that leave you feeling exhausted.
  1. Plan a mini vacation: If time and budget allow, gather all your friends and go on a mini vacation. Book an Airbnb for the weekend in a place where all of you mamas want to go and treat yourself to some well-earned rest and rejuvenation.
  2. Schedule a virtual happy hour: As you take on responsibilities as a parent, sometimes it’s easy to lose touch with old friends you made in college or your first job. Schedule a Zoom or Facetime call with all your old friends and have a virtual get-together.
  1. Sleep in a few extra hours: While planning a Mother’s Day activity might be fun, we all know that what most moms really want is just a few more hours in bed.

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