What is colic? The real reason babies cry (and how to help)


Watching your baby cry is always a heartbreaking sight.

To make matters worse, if your baby cries nonstop for hours and quite persistently too without any obvious reason—the doubts and worries only snowball further in the minds of caregivers.

Why is your baby acting so fussy? Is this a serious medical condition? Should you be concerned? We’ll cover everything about it in today’s blog, dealing with each topic one at a time. 

Let’s get started.

What is colic in babies?

If your baby cries continuously for a longer period, and there’s no way you can find to soothe your little one back to peace, chances are that your baby has colic. 

It’s mostly a benign (meaning, harmless) condition that occurs in otherwise healthy and well-fed infants, typically within the first few weeks they’re born. The crying episodes peak around 6 weeks, and usually resolve by the time they are 3 to 6 months old.


Did you know?

Research shows that, on average, a typical baby cries anywhere from 117 to 133 minutes a day—yes, that’s almost two hours! And while it might feel overwhelming, this crying phase is completely normal and can last until your baby is around 8 to 9 weeks old.

How to differentiate between normal crying & crying due to colic?

There’s a traditional criterion, called Wessel’s Rule of Three, to identify a colicky baby. It includes the below signs:

  • Excessive crying lasts for at least 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, and for over 3 weeks.
  • Each episode begins suddenly; often during the late afternoon or evening hours (between 6 pm and midnight).
  • The crying is intense, loud, and high-pitched. It may sound more urgent as if the baby is in pain.

Signs of colic in infants

During colic episodes, parents may also find the following physical signs:

  • Clenched fists
  • Knees drawn to chest (suggesting abdominal discomfort)
  • Tensed abdominal muscles
  • Arching of the back
  • Facial grimacing
  • Furrowed brow
  • Flushed face (i.e., reddening of the face)

Did you know?

Several health experts disagree that colicky babies make more gas than other infants. But it may seem that such babies pass more gas than others their age do. It is likely because they swallow more air during those crying spells (that mostly last for hours on end).

Colic onset and duration

When does colic start? 

Colic begins when the infant is often around 2-3 weeks of age.

When does colic end?

Colic symptoms reach a climax around 6 weeks and then start declining thereafter. In most infants, they eventually disappear after 3-6 months of age.

How late can colic start?

It is very uncommon for colic symptoms to appear in an infant after 6-8 weeks of life. 

If the crying, however, does begin at a later stage, it is crucial for the baby to get examined thoroughly for any underlying health threats.

What causes colic in babies?

Imbalance in gut bacteria

[Gut is the digestive tract of the human body, specifically the stomach and intestines. It hosts trillions of microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, etc., that help with digestion and immunity.]

Studies suggest that infants with colic may have lower counts of beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in their intestine. To add to it, they may also have higher counts of gas-producing bacteria. This imbalance in ‘good and bad bacteria’ leads to bloating and discomfort.

Increased motilin levels in gut

Current research indicates that infants with colic often exhibit higher levels of motilin, which is a hormone that induces muscle contractions. This elevation of motilin causes hyperactivity in the gut, causing discomfort.

Intolerance to cow’s milk protein

It is observed only in a specific group of infants, as opposed to all. 

In the cases where breastfeeding mothers have eliminated cow’s milk protein from their diet, colic symptoms in their babies have improved to a certain extent. 

Plus, a few studies also show when regular formulas are switched to hydrolyzed formulas, (which are made with partially or extensively broken down milk proteins), the results have favored infants and helped manage their colic.

Intolerance to lactose

Some infants may be temporarily intolerant to lactose, which could cause them gas and discomfort. But you must note—the evidence on this theory is mixed. 

Moreover, doctors don’t consider “sensitivity to lactose” as a primary contributor of colic symptoms. 

Immature nervous system 

Sometimes, this makes an infant more sensitive to external stimuli (or sensations), resulting in the baby getting overstimulated and crying for prolonged episodes. 

Parental stress and anxiety

While colicky infants can increase stress and anxiety levels in parents—its end-effects can possibly circle back to them and intensify their colic symptoms.

Overfeeding or underfeeding

Improper feeding techniques or volumes may trigger colic in babies. You must always feed your baby with care and a steady diet plan at hand. If there is anywhere you’re lacking, consider taking professional help.

How to soothe a colicky baby?

Easy colic treatments help caregivers with short-term soothing solutions. They include:

MethodHow to do it?

Swaddling(provides a sense of security)

Wrap the baby snugly in a thin blanket.
It’s important to swaddle correctly to prevent potential risks, such as hip dysplasia.
Ensure the baby’s hips can move freely to avoid injury.

Gentle Motions(can have a soothing effect)

Rocking the baby in a chair or using a baby swing.
Or, taking the baby for a car ride.
The rhythmic movements help compose the infant.

White noise

Playing soft sounds, such as recordings of heartbeats or gentle shushing.
These sounds mimic the womb environment and, therefore, comfort the baby.
Devices that produce white noise or soft music are also beneficial.

Tummy pressure(helps baby pass gas and reduce discomfort)

Place the baby tummy-down across your knees.
Start rubbing the back gently.
Always monitor the baby during this practice.
Return the baby safely to their back for sleep.

Pacifiers (gives immediate relief to some babies)

Some breastfed infants may refuse it, but others find it soothing.

Massage(helps alleviate gas and discomfort)

Gently massage the baby’s abdomen in a clockwise direction .
Studies indicate that infants who are massaged tend to cry less and experience better sleep.

Old home remedies for colic in babies

Traditional remedies that have long been used to relieve colic in babies include:

Herbal teas 

Fennel teas were historically used in different cultures to manage colic symptoms. A few studies observe that fennel preparations, in fact, can be effective. 

Gripe water 

It is the combination of water and herbs, used for treating colic. There is not much scientific data backing it up, though.

Pennyroyal tea 

Earlier used to soothe colic, it is now directly labeled as a toxic ingredient that can lead to extreme liver and neurological damage. Experts strongly discourage its use. 

Colic vs. reflux  

Colic Reflux

Marked by long periods of uncontrollable crying in otherwise healthy infants.

The exact cause is unknown. But experts suppose it may be due to digestive discomfort, overstimulation, or an immature nervous system.
It occurs when the stomach contents drift back into the esophagus, causing the baby to spit-up.
[Esophagus is the body part that connects the throat to the stomach.]

It’s common in infants and is never really that concerning. But babies still experience inconvenience or complications due to this condition.

Arching of the back in infants? Is it colic?

Infants with colic may arch their back during a crying spell as a response to abdominal uneasiness. But this behavior is also found in cases of reflux, where the infant may arch their back to alleviate esophageal discomfort caused by stomach acid.

If you find your baby arching back frequently while displaying other symptoms like spitting up  or feeding difficulties, go check with a healthcare professional immediately. It may be reflux or other related health conditions.



Q: Can formula cause colic?

A: Colic occurs in both breastfed and formula-fed babies. In the case of formulas, however, certain components such as cow’s milk proteins might contribute to colic symptoms in susceptible infants.

Switching to hypoallergenic formula helps improve symptoms in some groups. But you must always seek medical supervision before making any changes to either the nursing mother’s or the baby’s diet.

Q: Do all babies get colic?

A: No, not all babies have colic. A study estimates that 10-40% of infants worldwide develop colic symptoms. The condition usually begins around the 2nd or 3rd week of life, and often resolves by itself as the baby turns 3-4 months old.

Q: How to tell if my newborn has colic?

A: Check if your newborn cries intensely and continuously for at least 3 hours a day, for 3 or more days a week, and for over 3 weeks. If yes, your baby can have colic.

Additionally, note these crying episodes are quite extreme, not easily soothed, and happen at the same time each day (mostly in the evening). Other physical signs can include: clenched fists, arched back, and legs pulled close toward the abdomen.

Q: Baby won’t stop crying? What should I do?

A: If by no effort you’re able to console the baby, first ensure that your baby’s basic needs are met properly—including feeding, diaper change, room temperature, and comfort. 

Then you go forward with the soothing techniques such as gentle rocking, swaddling, or giving your baby a pacifier. If the crying still persists or is joined by other symptoms like fever, vomiting, or lethargy—it’s best to consult a healthcare professional immediately to identify underlying medical issues.


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