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The coolest and best names for grandparents

Cradlewise Staff
Just like the bond they share with their grandchildren, the nicknames grandparents choose to be called, are special. While Grandma and Grandpa will always be classics, the options these days are endless.
Here’s a roundup of some of the top nicknames, from traditional to unique, that soon-to-be grandparents can pick from.
Names for grandma on the traditional side
One of the joys of finding out you’re going to be a grandmother is choosing your grandma name. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with Grandma, there are so many other choices available. Here are a few popular grandma names to pick from:
- Grandmom
- Grammie
- Granny
- Gran
- Grams
- Marmee
- Meemee
- Mawmaw
- Nana
- Grannie
Traditional alternatives to Grandpa
Just like grandmothers, soon-to-be grandpas also wonder what their new grandchild will call them. Here are a few oldies but goodies that might be right for you:
- Grandad
- Gramps
- Papa
- Pawpaw
- Papaw
- Pops
- Pop Pop
- Grampie
- Grandfather
- Pa
Unique names for Grandmothers
If “Grandma” is already taken, here are some cute, quirky, and standout grandma names that won’t cause any confusion at family events:
- Nene
- Gam Gam
- Lolly
- G-ma
- Momo
- Mima
- Gigi
- Nan
- Big mama
- Coco
Unique names for Grandfathers
If the classic names aren’t catching your fancy, here are a few non-traditional, fun and equally lovely names for grandpas:
- Ace
- Captain
- Senior
- Chief
- Coach
- Bubba
- G-dad
- Grandpop
- Grampy
- Gramp
Regardless of what your grandchild or children call you, we are sure you’ll love it!
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