Breath Rate Monitoring Terms & Conditions

  • Non-Medical Device Disclaimer
  • Accuracy and Limitations
  • Proper Use Guidelines
  • Health and Safety Precautions
  • Liability
  • License to Use

Non-Medical Device Disclaimer

The breath rate monitoring feature incorporated in our smart cribs, is designed for general wellness and comfort monitoring purposes only. This feature is not a medical device. It should not be used for medical purposes or to replace medical devices. It is not intended to diagnose, monitor, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health conditions, including, but not limited to, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Cradlewise should not substitute for the care and oversight of an adult or consultation with medical professionals, it is designed and intended for families with healthy infants. Always follow safe sleep practices.

Accuracy and Limitations

While we strive to improve the comfort and safety of your child through innovative features, the breath rate monitoring technology may have limitations and is not infallible. It relies on users correctly identifying and marking the baby’s torso within our application, which can lead to potential inaccuracies in data. The accuracy of the readings is subject to various factors including the baby's position and stillness, the presence of blankets or other items/coverings such as but not limited to toys, pillows, baby docks, and environmental conditions.

Proper Use Guidelines

Users are advised to ensure that the crib's camera has a clear view of the baby and the baby is asleep, free from obstructions and with adequate lighting, to optimise the feature's performance. However, this feature should not be solely relied upon for the baby's health or safety monitoring.

Health and Safety Precautions

If you have concerns about your baby’s breathing or overall health, consult with a healthcare professional immediately. Our product is intended to assist in monitoring your child’s wellness but is not a substitute for professional healthcare advice or treatment. Regular paediatric visits and following safe sleep practices are strongly recommended.


By using the breath rate monitoring feature, you acknowledge and agree that inaccuracies in data may occur and that Cradlewise is not responsible for any health issues that may arise as a result of using this feature. The company disclaims any liability for incidents that may occur due to reliance on the breath rate monitoring feature or inaccuracies in the monitoring data.

License to Use

Company hereby grants You the limited right to access, view and use the Platform only for the purposes of the Services. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved to the Company.

None of the features are intended for emergency situations. If you think you OR YOUR CHILD may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking treatment or advice because of information you receive from the feature or read about the feature.

By enabling and using this feature, you consent to these terms and acknowledge that you understand the limitations of the breath rate monitoring technology