Can you take melatonin while pregnant?

Can you take melatonin while pregnant?

We’re going to answer all your questions about taking melatonin during pregnancy, whether it’s safe, its alternatives, and tips on how to sleep better (without sleep aids.)

5 things you can do during your pregnancy to stimulate baby’s brain development in the womb

5 things you can do during your pregnancy to stimulate baby’s brain development in the womb

According to the experts, reading to your baby, gentle stomach massages, and classical music, in combination with eating and sleeping well, can contribute to your baby's brain development in the womb.

Best foods to eat during pregnancy for baby’s brain development

Best foods to eat during pregnancy for baby’s brain development

if you’re wondering what are some of the best foods you can eat during your pregnancy for your little one’s brain development, read on our expert-backed guide.

How your baby’s brain develops during pregnancy

How your baby’s brain develops during pregnancy

Learn look at how a journey that starts with a few neural cells creates the most complex organ known to human civilization.

Pregnancy brain: Myth or fact?

Pregnancy brain: Myth or fact?

Explore what happens to the brain during pregnancy, whether the pregnancy brain is a myth or fact, what causes it, and how you can manage it.

Can you take melatonin while pregnant?

Can you take melatonin while pregnant?

We’re going to answer all your questions about taking melatonin during pregnancy, whether it’s safe, its alternatives, and tips on how to sleep better (without sleep aids.)

5 things you can do during your pregnancy to stimulate baby’s brain development in the womb

5 things you can do during your pregnancy to stimulate baby’s brain development in the womb

According to the experts, reading to your baby, gentle stomach massages, and classical music, in combination with eating and sleeping well, can contribute to your baby's brain development in the womb.